Clip Mask Offset Problems

Hi there,

I am creating a simulator visualization and so I need animated sprites.
I dont want to use many different xpm datas for one animation, so I decided
to paint only one big animation xpm.
My idea was to calculate only one big pixmap and its mask.
I am using "gdk_pixmap_create_from_xpm_d" to do this job.

For displaying the sprites I use "gdk_draw_pixmap".
I set the mask clip settings: "gdk_gc_set_clip_mask"
And the "gdk_gc_set_clip_origin".

For the different animation steps I want to use an x-offset and an y-offset
by using the "gdk_draw_pixmap".This works...BUT NOW THE PROBLEM:
It seems that this offset works only with the pixmap and NOT with its mask !!
That means that all animation steps will be masked with the same mask !!
The offset is only added to the pixmap and not to the mask.
Is it possible that this is a bug ??
What can I do ??

Arndt Schwaiger

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