Re: MVC and GTK

Timothy M. Shead wrote:

Paul Barton-Davis wrote:

I'd like to once again mention that it would be nice to see a roadmap
entry for GTK that includes making the toolkit much more
Model-View-Controller friendly. I would be quite willing to help with
the design and/or part of the implementation of this.

I've just spent several hours having to hack together solutions for a
system in which there are 3 different windows all displaying
"Controllers" for the same "Model", and its really ugly doing this in
The typical solution that I have to adopt is to use a flag that tells
the handler for (e.g) "toggled" to do nothing, so that I can safely call button.set_active (TRUE) without creating an infinite
loop. This is not very friendly, and given the apparently widespread
acceptance that MVC is the "correct" way to write GUI's of moderate or
greater complexity, it would be very nice to see GTK+ support this
At the very least, we need ways to inhibit the emission of signals
from widgets so that they can be adjusted "silently" when notification
is received that things have changed (e.g. as a result of action in
another view) and they need to be updated to reflect that.

The "toggled" signal is frustrating. The call to gtk_signal_connect returns a "handler ID" that you can use in subsequent calls to gtk_signal_handler_block() and gtk_signal_handler_unblock() to temporarily disable a specific signal.
In practice, keeping track of individual handler IDs is tedious, so 
the SDPGTK library provides BlockAllEvents() and UnblockAllEvents() 
methods at its container level, which works out well.
Timothy M. Shead
tshead k-3d com

gtk-list mailing list
gtk-list gnome org
The gtk_signal_handler_{un}block_by_{func,data} are also quite handy as 
they allow you to forgo storing the handler ID.  If you are writing C++ 
code on top of GTK, {un}blocking a signal can be as easy as:
gtk_signal_handler_{un}block_by_data(GTK_OBJECT(mWidget), this);

provided, of course, that you passed "this" to gtk_signal_connect.


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