Re: embedding GTK<->Qt: they can, can we ?

See, I told you I was a rookie :)

Open mouth, insert foot :)

On Thu, 21 Dec 2000, Paul Barton-Davis wrote:

> >my $0.02
> >I abandonded QT and wxWindows BECAUSE of the growing fluff
> >that was being constantly added and wrapped.  wxwindows was
> >growing wo wrapped in wrappers (admitted I am far from expert
> >of wx or qt) that I was having a hard time getting anything done.
> This has nothing to do with that kind of wrapping. The issue is being
> able to write a GUI for a reusable component using toolkit A, and
> having that GUI be usable with a program based on toolkit B.
> --p

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Texas Instruments ASIC Circuit Design Methology Group
Dallas, Texas
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