glib and threads


I want to compile glib-1.2.8 with thread suport on my linux-2.x system
(x= 0.38 or 2.17, or 2.4.pre...) with libc5.4.46 an linuxthreads-0.71.

./configure reveals 
checking for pthread.h... yes
checking for thread implementation... posix
checking for pthread_attr_init in -lpthread... yes
checking necessary linker options... -lpthread
checking necessary compiler options...  -D_REENTRANT
checking for localtime_r... yes
checking for rand_r... no
checking for getpwuid_r... no
checking whether pthread_getspecific is posix like... yes
checking whether pthread_mutex_trylock is posix like... yes
checking whether pthread_cond_timedwait is posix like... yes
configure: warning: the 'g_get_(user_name|real_name|home_dir|tmp_dir)'
                functions will not be MT-safe during their first call
                there is no working 'getpwuid_r' on your system.
checking size of pthread_mutex_t... 24
checking byte contents of pthread_mutex_t...
checking system definitions for POLLIN POLLOUT POLLPRI POLLERR POLLHUP
POLLNVAL... done

ops a warning, in which library is getpwuid_r (and rand_r) supposed to
be implemented?  where can I get it, I can get it?

thanks for any help.

oh, and please also "cc:" to me (schaecsn gmx de) if not already done
automatically because I have not subcribed to the mailing list.

- Stefan

   ___  ___       __         |   Name: Stefan Schäckeler
  /  / /  /____  (__)__  ___ | E-mail: schaecsn gmx de
 /  /_/  /  _  \/  /\  \/  / |    day: Solaris 2.5.1, HP-UX 10.20
 \___,__/__//__/__/ /__/\__\ |  night: slackware 3.0, netbsd-hp300 1.3.1

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