Re: Can I band .so with my program?

On Fri, Nov 24, 2000 at 11:40:19AM +0800, Zhang wrote:
>     I code a program with GTK+ in FreeBSD, but users can't use it if
> he haven't install GLIB & GTKLIB, it says 'can't find ***.so...', can I
> band those .so with my program ?

Band them in what way?

You can either

	1) supply the binary of the ".so" files with your program - GLib
	   and GTK+ are licensed under the LGPL, so you're free to give
	   away binaries (as long as you make the source available to
	   anybody to whom you give the binaries);

	2) link the program statically, so that it doesn't need the
	    ".so" files.

However, if you install GTK+, it installs more than just the shared
libraries - there are "gtkrc" files for different locales, etc. - and I
don't know what problems will occur if you run a GTK+ application
without that other stuff being installed.

(There *are* ports and packages, in the FreeBSD sense, for GLib and
GTK+, so if the user has sufficient privileges to install software on
their machine, they should probably consider installing the GLib and
GTK+ ports if they're going to run GTK+ applications; heck, if you
install a GTK+ application as a package, "pkg_add -r" will download and
install GLib and GTK+ for you.)

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