Re: Text of a gtk_ctree_node

On Fri, 25 Aug 2000, Ottavio Campana wrote:

> On Thu, Aug 24, 2000 at 09:46:14PM +0500, Vlad Harchev wrote:
> > As I remember your code, you should use 'text' but not 'string' since
> > 'string' points to unallocated memory when g_message is called. Could you 
> > also use printf("%s\n",text);
> Here's the code if you don't remember it:
> void
> on_button6_clicked                     (GtkButton       *button,
>                                         gpointer         user_data)
> {
>         /**
>          * pressione di smonta partizione
>          */
>         char *string;
>         char *text;
>         int i = 0;
>         GtkWidget *tmp;
>         GtkWidget *node;
>         if ((GTK_CLIST (ctree1)->selection != NULL) && (GTK_CLIST (ctree1)->selection->data != NULL)) {
>                 tmp = GTK_CLIST (ctree1)->selection->data;
>                 node = gtk_ctree_find_node_ptr (GTK_CTREE (ctree1), GTK_CTREE_ROW (tmp));
>                 i = gtk_ctree_node_get_text (GTK_CTREE (ctree1), GTK_CTREE_NODE
> (node), 0, &string);
>                 text = strdup(string);  /* <---- HERE IT CRASHES */
>                 //g_strescape(text);
>                 //g_message ("%s", text);
>                 gtk_ctree_remove_node (GTK_CTREE (ctree1), GTK_CTREE_NODE (node));
>         } else {
>                 umounting_error_messagebox = create_messagebox_error_umounting ();
>                 gtk_widget_show_all (umounting_error_messagebox);
>         }
> }
> I  don't know  why  it crashes.  If  I  comment that  line  and I  write
> printf("%d", i);after it it crashes. Do you have got any idea?

 gtk_ctree_node_get_text returns 1 if the string was really set to text. What
does it return in your case? Also, what does it return for 1 column? 
 I'm begining to think that you should use 1 for column value for
getting text (since the tree is drawn in 1st column).

> Bye
> -- 
> Non c'è più forza nella normalità, c'è solo monotonia.

 Best regards,

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