Re: Stalls in idle loop

On Thu, 10 Aug 2000, Vlad Harchev wrote:

>  Also, you didn't specify the version of gtk you are using (the recent is
> 1.2.8). 

I'm not sure which version I am using.  How can I find this out?

>  Also, I think you can explore the problem by stracing or ltracing the gtk
> program when iddle function is ceased to run - may be it's not gtk (more
> precisely, glib) problem but the problem with your X server/Xlib/glibc - in
> what function program stays when the problem happens?

It's hard to say.  The program displays live video, captured from a frame
grabber, so 30 times a second it gets a signal indicating a new
frame.  The signal handler continues to be run in the stalled state.  Is
there any way to use GDB (or some other utility) to stop a program at a
particular time and print a stack trace?  I can't set a break point
because I don't know where the function is during that time.

>  Also, how often that idle function stalls? Does plain waiting "unstalls" it?

The stalls are erratic, and waiting doesn't seem to unstall it, but I've
waited at most 22 seconds before sending some input to the computer.

Nick Matsakis

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