Re: GtkClist signals and double click

Vlad Harchev wrote:
> > I couldn't find documentation on what information contain
> > selection->data. The GTK+
> > manual does not cover this. Where can I find information on this? I mean
> > on how
> > to get the index (or data itself) of the selected row of a gtk_clist
> > double click?
>  See in GTK FAQ how to detect double clicks.

As I already said, in the GTK+'s faq is only a very simple example
how to catch the double click but never how to retrieve the information
the row double clicked.  I still can't figure out how to do that.

>  As for selections - I already told you what the value of clist->selection
> means for several selection modes. As for others - just do a small guesswork
> (coupled with a testsuite) and you'll discover what it means.

Sorry, I am quite newbie on GTK+. Could you please give an example with

> > I tried to write a callback for the select_row and unselect_row signal
> > where I
> > keep the selected row index on a variable but the problems arises when I
> > have
> > already selected a row on the gtk_clist and then do the double click on
> > the same
> > row because with the first click I unselect the already selected row.
>  Don't use this approach.

Yes, I knew that, but I have to solve this problem someway..

Thanks a lot for you patience,


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