Re: Gtk_CTree : Help please

On Thu, 3 Aug 2000, Florent. Devin wrote:

> Vlad Harchev a écrit :
> > 
> > On Thu, 3 Aug 2000, Florent. Devin wrote:
> >[...] 
> This is a good way to do what I want and it feet great. I try it, I run
> it,
> I like it... Thanks
> But with this method, I can not still handle signal for different
> gtk_ctree_node ? If I can not handle signal, I can not do drag and drop
> from
> another widget to a particular node.

  If you mean that you want to be able to drag something from other widget
(other ctree for example) to given ctree - yes, seems some tricky things will
be required to do this. Look at testdnd.c supplied in gtk sources. You will
have to do just the same (using "drag_drop" and "drag-data-received"), and in
handler for "drag-data-received" you will have to compute the row number of 
the target it using 

  int row, column;
 After that you can (I guess) get the target CTreeNode using 

 Please report whether this really works.

 If you need only dragging from nodes of that ctree to nodes of the same ctree
(better called reordering) - then it's easily doable (look at testgtk.c).

> There is one function that may help me but I do not know what it is for
> : 
> gtk_ctree_set_drag_compare_func
> Or is there a way to handle drag and drop signal ?
> Is there a way to handle at least signal from gtk_widget ?
> -- 
> Florent DEVIN
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 Best regards,

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