Re: [gtk-list] gtk+ 1.4 timetable

Bill Hayden <> writes:
> Since a good percentage of questions are getting answered with "this is 
> fixed in 1.4", when might we expect a 1.4.0 release?  I'm also wondering if 
> the BeOS code will be merged by that point.

We are hoping for around mid-to-late summer, I think. In fact that
should be a fairly reliable deadline, as reliable as software
deadlines get. I don't know about BeOS, I think it's planned though.

1.4 fixes a LOT of the rough edges in GTK; in fact almost all the ones
people commonly complain about, assuming the whole TODO list gets

Most of the remaining changes should happen in the next month or so;
the release will be _much_ better if everyone takes the time to be
sure their pet peeve gets fixed! There are dozens of small tweaks that 
we know need to happen, but inevitably a couple will get forgotten and
we'll all regret it after the release comes out... these small changes
will really enhance the release. 

Sample changes I'm really hoping for that the core maintainers won't
have time to do (people have already started some of this):
 - scrolling menus if menus are too large
 - fix the option menu size request so it doesn't chop
   the child items
 - GtkToolbar fixups so it can work for Bonobo etc.
 - merge a GtkSheet thing (large task, see the comments I posted 
   to gtk-devel-list recently)

etc., see the TODO list:


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