Problems with the vadj of a text widget

I'm using the following code to insert text into a text widget which
holds a log. The only problem I'm having is making it so the vertical
scrollbar follows the text all the way at the bottom. The text widget is
not editable so I think that's why it's not following it automatically.
I'm using the following code to insert text and try to keep my
adjustment bar all the way at the bottom, but unfortunately it doesn't
quite hit the bottom. It scrolling all of the text, but there's always
an extra blank line at the bottom so the scrollbar doesn't go down all
the way. Did I explain that well enough? Anyway, what could I do to
ensure that the vertical scrollbar will always be at the bottom? Thanks.

   gtk_text_insert(GTK_TEXT(log), NULL, &color, NULL, message, -1);

| Jeff "Shippy" Shipman     E-Mail: |
| Computer Science Major    ICQ: 1786493              |
| New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology       |
| Homepage:                |

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