[gtk-list] Window moving problem

I am a new bee in the gtk game.  I did compile your program and it
seems to do the right thing.  It always moved to the right and by 10

I am using GNOME on RH 6.0 with gtk-/glib lib version 1.2.5.


Matthew D Allen writes:
  >Here is the source code to a simple 3 function program which demonstrates
  >a problem I've been having consistantly with window moving functions.
  >When I compile and run this program, I click on the button, and the
  >application goes to the upper left hand corner, and with each subsequent
  >click on the button, it goes a bit to the right and a bit down.  The code
  >is supposed to make it go just 10 pixels to the right and that's it, but
  >instead I get sometimes jumpy behavior and never totally correct behavior.
  >If there are any suggestions on what I might be doing wrong, I would
  >appreciate hearing them, but as far as I can see I'm using the functoins
  >At the heart of the problem are these calls:  I call
  >gdk_window_get_position(window->window, &someint, &someotherint);
  >someint += 10;
  >gdk_window_move(window->window, someint, someotherint);
  >which should move the window only to the right but doesn't.  
  >Sample code:  This when compiled should act strangely.

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