Re: [gtk-list] Re: Optimum way to set the width of a clist

Geert Bevin wrote:
> You can use this function on every column and use the results as you
> wish.
> gint        gtk_clist_optimal_column_width  (GtkCList *clist, gint
> column);
> I do this to calculate the optimal size for every size, set them to it
> and expand another column than the last one to fill up space.
Can you shed some light on this function, i.e. what does it return,
the column width ?

Thanks in advance,


Norbert Bladt		 Payphone Management System Software Development
ascom Autelca AG
Worbstrasse 201		 CH-3073 Guemligen, Switzerland VOICE: +41 31 999 6552, FAX: +41 31 999 6575

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