Re: [gtk-list] Re: Perl/Gtk 0.6123

On Tue, Sep 14, 1999 at 02:57:24AM +0000, Dermot Musgrove wrote:
> > >     for $gnome_appbar->status() or ->progress() to get a ref to these but 
> > >     I don't understand XS enough to know whether this is my problem or
> > >     Perl/Gtk's.
> > 
> > According to the header file this fields shouldn't be accessed directly.
> Yes, I can't remember why I was trying to get at them now. How does the
> perl programmer update the status or progress bars in an appbar?

With the set_progress() and set_status() methods.
Check the documentation that is built when you compile the module.

> My version of gnome-libs (1.0.8) fails to set the clock type to 'realtime'
> when I call:  $widgets->{'clock2'} = new Gtk::Clock('realtime'); and the
> effect is that the clock is always started with time 00:00
> AFAIK this is (was) a bug in gnome-libs and a work-around is to construct
> the widget and then explicitly set the type (in C) by calling, for example
> gtk_clock_type(GTK_CLOCK_REALTIME) but this option is not available in 
> Perl/Gtk.

Ok, added the workaround.


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