GtkStyle question.


In my program, I am playing with foreground colors and background
To set them, I do as the following:

/* 1- copy the style of the widget */
  widgetStyle = gtk_style_copy(GTK_WIDGET(widget)->style);
/* 2- change the value of the GtkStyle to the value I want */
widgetStyle->bg [i].red =  25700;
/* 3- Set the new style to the widget */
gtk_widget_set_style (widget, widgetStyle);

It works, however sometimes, I have a problem with the colors set.
Indeed, When I get the value set, I do not have
25700 as expected but 26214 !!??!!.

So I tried to see where my GtkStyle was modified and saw that it was in
the function
"gtk_style_attach", when "gtk_style_init" is called.
But I don't really understand why a new GtkStyle is created and that it
is not my GtkStyle which is used by the widget.

If anyone could help me,


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