programmatically scroll a clist?

I need to programmatically scroll a clist.
How is this done?

Library version: gtk+ 1.2.3, Gtk-- 1.0.2

The following code fragment lets the mouse scroll the clist.
I plan to use the scrollbar, but need to scroll in software.

  Gtk_Adjustment *_adjustment;
  Gtk_VScrollbar * _scrollbar;
  Gtk_CList * _av_list;

  _adjustment = new Gtk_Adjustment(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
  _scrollbar = new Gtk_VScrollbar( *_adjustment );
  _av_list = new Gtk_CList( 2, 0 );
  _av_list->set_vadjustment( *_adjustment );

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