Valient or Valium?

Despite the valiant efforts of the two people who responded to my earlier
inquiries I find myself in the same state.  I am not too sure as to what
these object binding functions actually do in specific widgets (the rdp
nor the reference doesn't seem to have any nice explanations).  Would
someone please explain how these functions are supposed to work and/or
point me to a simple example program that uses them?

(Damned my object based thought processes :) I'm used to using object
based languages (and gui's) like java, object pascal and c++ so it's been
rather though designing and writing modular/serial code.  Though I greatly
appricated the help... Just using this list I am learning a ton and a half
of new things everyday :) )

Your friendly neighbourhood posix junkie,

Sean Cody (Pangea Technical Support) (SCHOOL)          (WORK)  

"I can only show you the door, your're the one
 that has to go through it."
        Morpheus, The Matrix

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