Abstracting the data from the ui..

I trying to write some generic interfaces for a set of UI windows though I
cannot seem to be able to pass data back and forth properly.

Here is what I am doing.

 GtkWindow *MyWindow = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
 create widgets here ....
 add signal's here
 MyDataStructure refresh...?

How do I actually update the data once the window is closed? (Is all data
intended to be global and all windows modal??)  Most of the data I would
deal with is from dialog boxes who's input isn't needed until the
dialog/window has been closed/destroyed.

Your friendly neighbourhood posix junkie,

Sean Cody (Pangea Technical Support)
umcodysw@cc.umanitoba.ca (SCHOOL)
seanc@pangea.ca          (WORK)  

"I can only show you the door, your're the one
 that has to go through it."
        Morpheus, The Matrix

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