Re: [gtk-list] FAQ 5.11 (Why doesn´t myprogressbar upate) with gtk-perl

>>>>> "Ramin" == Ramin Motakef <> writes:

    > Hi!  Im just starting my second program with perl-gtk (Newbie alert!!)
    > and need some help.  The program reads a big (ca. 2MB) Datafile wich
    > takes quite some time, so i would like to give the users some feedback
    > that "there is something going on" with a Gtk::ProgressBar:
while(defined($line = <DATA> )){ if ($i % 100 == 0) {
$val=($i/($count)); $pbar->update($val); while
(Gtk::Gdk->events_pending) {
print SDTERR "Pending...\n"; } } $i++; do_something...  }

    > This doesn´t work. The progressbar doesn´t update, althoug some (~10)
    > "Pending..."s are printed on STDERR. so the questiions are:

    > - Is this the correct list for gtk-perl questions?  (If not: sorry..)

    > - Why doesn´t the code work?

    > - Is there another way to do it?

I don't know why it doesn't work, but I was unable to get the statusbar to
update when I tried something similar. Here's what I use:

&spin_pbar($pbar, $speed, $topval);

sub spin_pbar () {
  my $pbar = shift || carp "No progressbar specified.\n";
  my $speed = shift || 10;
  my $topval = shift || 1;
  $progress_timer = Gtk->timeout_add($speed, \&update_pbar, $pbar, $topval);

sub update_pbar {
	my($progressbar, $topval) = @_;
	my($new_val) = $progressbar->get_current_percentage;

	if ($new_val>=$topval) {
	  return 0;
	$new_val += 0.05;
	return 1;


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