Re: [gtk-list] Timers and queries..

You need to return FALSE from the timer function to keep
it going and TRUE to stop it. ( Or maybe it's the other way around -
check the docs. ) But anyway, you seem to have a _bare_ return
statement in a function that returns gint, so anything is
liable to happen! Compiling with -Wall would've caught
that, too; make it a permanent fixture in your Makefile! ;-)


"Sean Cody (TDR-X)" wrote:
> I need to execute a call every so often so I though I would add a timeout.
> When I run my program under a solaris box it only executes the timer
> function once then just waits.  Though under a win32 box (using gtk+ port)
> it calls the timer function repeatadly as it should...  Is there something
> I am doing wrong in terms of the solaris usage? (This is using the same
> code for both platformss)..
> gint tick(gpointer data) {
>  printf("Tock\n");
>  return;
> }

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