Re: [gtk-list] Re: Gtk+ Commercial Applications (Licencing Issues) writes:

| --==_Exmh_-351293570P
| Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
| On Tue, 05 Oct 1999 19:56:13 +0200, Preben Randhol <>  said:
| > I thought you had to release to code...
| Argh.  This is obviously wrong - otherwise every piece of lameware written
| as a local hack would *have* to be released.  And there's enough broken
| software that's been released already, without forcing the issue.

I was talking about if you have made a program linked against a GPL
library and you _are distributing_ binaries, I thought you had to
distribute the source code as well. If your talking about LGPL you
don't. Of course you can have programs for internal use only.

| governments want to do this, allowing private-sector as well is a security
| nightmare....

A system that is secure because it is secret is not a good system, as
opposed to a system which is designed to be secure even though it is
not secret.

Preben Randhol                 Affliction is enamoured of thy parts, 
[]              And thou art wedded to calamity. 
[]                    -- W. Shakespeare 

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