GdkMagick and MagiCapture News (11/26)

GdkMagick users:

It looks like I'm going to need some more time to complete the 0.6 release of
GdkMagick. I've been involved in more personal obligations, and I also want to
give some more time to make the GdkMagick API and code base bulletproof.
I expect to make version 0.6 available by the 15th of December, but I can't
promise any fast hard dates at this point. The GdkMagick 0.6.x cycle will be
the final releases before GdkMagick moves into BETA TEST.

In the meantime, I will update my Web page to include the latest GdkMagick news
as I continue development.

As far as MagiCapture goes, there are no major changes expected between now and
the release of GdkMagick 0.6. I will continue work on MagiCapture once I take
care of the next GdkMagick release cycle.

I also plan to develop a screen capture library with a portable API. The
project, to be called LibCapture, will of course be open-source (actually, BSD
licensed without the advertising clause). The first release of LibCapture will
include functionality for taking screen dumps under the X Window System, with a
Win32 implementation to follow. I don't expect to release any LibCapture code
until after the turn of the century (therefore forcing it to be Y2K
compliant:*), but I will keep you posted once something is available to test.
Future releases of MagiCapture will eventually be based on LibCapture.

Thank you for all your time and patience.


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