Re: [gtk-list] Re: Gtk/Perl ..and more questions =-)

Hi Luis,

After today you will have plenty of time to read the documentation. Read
the file Glade-Perl-0.43/Documentation/Gtk-Perl-Docs.txt to get started.

Luis Felipe Piccolini Marull wrote:
> First of all, Thanks a lot for your great patience in help me with my
> project. I almost have it solved , but I have another question... How
> can I fill a comboBox (or combo List)
1) If the strings are static, fill it in Glade.

2) At run-time     
  my $window = new UI_Class;    # whatever you called your form
  $window->FORM->{'combobox'}->set_popdown_strings( 'stringa', 'stringb')

> and how I get the choosen item (string) from it.???? 
  my $string = $window->FORM->{'combobox'}->entry->get_text;

or in a signal handler,
  my $form = $__PACKAGE__::all_forms->{$instance};
  my $string = $form->{'combobox'}->entry->get_text 

> Please answer me ASAP!! =-) my deadline is tomorrow
> at 8:00am and right now here are 3:17am . Thanks again, and sorry for my
> english again too.
What's the rush? It's only 15:10 (here) and you have 3 hours extra :)

Look at the generated perl source, it sets all sorts of widget properties.

Regards, Dermot

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