Trying to build glib 1.2.6 under Solaris

Dear friends,

I'm having trouble building glib 1.2.6 under Solaris.  I can configure,
make, and make install, all apparently without complaint.  But when I run
"testglib", it crashes about three-quarters of the way through the tests.
The program statements that are executed from testglib.c just before the
crash are:

string = NULL;
g_print (string);

When g_print is called, I'm getting a segmentation fault.  If I comment this
line out, the remainder of the tests run without error, but I get some
crashy behaviors with other applications that link to it.

My system (from uname -a):
SunOS sol 5.7 Generic_106541-05 sun4u sparc SUNW, Ultra-Enterprise

gcc version 2.8.1

Thanks very much for any help,

David A. Nash
Major, Field Artillery
Instructor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Thayer 1115, (914) 938-5575, fax: 938-5956, DSN: 688

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