Re: [gtk-list] Re: styles and writeable colormaps

On Tue, 16 Nov 1999, Havoc Pennington wrote:
> You said events were "piling up" and the cumulative delay was too long - I
> assume you've tried using motion notify hints (see scribble example in the
> tutorial, or my book's GDK chapter), or perhaps doing your draw in an idle
> function? Those are just some cheesy optimizations that might be good
> enough if you haven't tried them.

Yes, using motion notify hints seems to cause a motion notification event
to occur only at the start of motion and at the end of motion.  For my
application, I really want to have continual re-rendering while motion is
occuring, so I have ruled out using motion notify hints.  

I'm not sure how using an idle function would help to optimize the
application.  I haven't used one, but it seems as though by doing this the
draw would occur only when nothing else is happening.  Would this mean
that motion notifications could be continually sent, but somehow draw
commands would not be stacked up?  

Thanks for your help, 


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