[gtk-list] Re: Perl-Gtk basic problems

On Sun, 7 Nov 1999, Dermot Musgrove wrote:

> Luis Felipe Piccolini Marull wrote:
> > 
>   Return type: integer 
> so to append a row with 3 columns you would call:
>   $form->->{'list_1_lista_amigos'}->append('hola', 'col2', 'col3');

	Thanks Dermont for all your help. But ( I'm starting to think I'm
stupid or something, or simply I don't know nothing about perl-gtk or just
perl) trying to doit this error sends to me when I push the button to run
the sub:

Can't call method "append" without a package or object reference at
src/SubProject2.pm line 121.

Please help me ...and thanks all, I realy want to make my project in
Glade-Perl (Gtk-Perl). =-)

*  Luis Felipe Piccolini Marfull  *   / __ \(_)___  ___*
*    Ingenieria en Computacion    *  / /_/ / / __ \/ _ \
*      Universidad de Chile       * / ____/ / /_/ /  __/
* mailto:lpiccoli@dcc.uchile.cl   */_/   /_/ .___/\___/*
* ICQ: 41580700                   *       /_/          *
* http://cipres.cec.uchile.cl/~lpiccoli                *
* "No juzgues a un libro por su tapa...                *
*      juzgalo por sus monitos (imagenes)."  Pipe      *

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