Re: [gtk-list] A question about gtk_window_new().

On Thu, May 27, 1999 at 11:36 +0200, William Pompei wrote:
> gtk_window_new(GtkWindowType type):
> what are the meaning of : GTK_WINDOW_POPUP and GTK_WINDOW_DIALOG ?

The explanation I got was that it has to do with how the window interacts
with the windowmanager, and so GTK_WINDOW_DIALOG should be used for dialogs
(and I presume GTK_WINDOW_POPUPs should be used for popups?)...

Also, isn't this a prime candidate for the FAQ?


         Dave Swegen           | Debian 2.1 on Linux i386 2.2.3
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      <>         | Linux: The Choice of a GNU Generation

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