what is the pixel value of the GdkColor ?

Hello, ...

What is contained in the pixel value of the Gdkcolor type ?

also what is the correct way of writing a colored point onto a pixmap ?

is it :

color =
	/* what is the value in pixel ? */
	pixel = ?;
	red = r;
	green = g;
	blue = b;
/* is it necessary to put the color in a colrmap, or could i do without it ? */
colormap = gdk_window_get_colormap ((GdkWindow *)pixmap) ;
 /* what is the meaning of writeable and best_match ? */
gdk_colormap_alloc_color (colormap, &color, writeable, best_match);

gc = drawing_area->style->fg_gc[GTK_WIDGET_STATE(drawing_area)];
gdk_gc_set_foreground (gc, &color); 
gdk_draw_point ((GdkDrawable *)pixmap, gc, x, y);

Later when i want ot retrieve the color associated with a pixel of the pixmap,
do i do :

image = gdk_image_get ((GdkWindow *)pixmap, 0, 0, x+1, y+1);
pixel = get_image_get_pixel (image, x, y);

how can i get back to the GdkColor value associated with said pixel.

Did i mess things up here ? is there some clear documentation on this somewhere



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