Re: [gtk-list] Re: font combo?

On Thu, 20 May 1999, Damon Chaplin wrote:

> Adrian Feiguin wrote:
> > 
> > Is there a font combo widget in gtk? I see that abiword implements the
> > feature, but I think that is not portable. Is anybody working in such a
> > widget? It would be very useful for text editors and gnumeric.
> > Thanks,
> I did consider this a bit when writing the font selection widget.
> I tried to keep the data structures describing available fonts separate,
> so that makes it a bit easier (though unfortunately they are a bit
> complicated).
> What would we want the font combo to do?
> I would guess it should include three child combo widgets, just like the
> lists in the font selection.
Yes, something like the font-selection dialog, but placed in a hbox
in oder to add it to a toolbar. The "Regular/Bold/Italics/Condensed" combo
could be replaced by two buttons, like in many aplications. This should be
more friendly than opening a font selection dialog while typing. It could
be a a smaller implementation of your gtkfontselection dialog, although it
could be a little embarrassing to handle all the font attributes with a
font-name and font-size combo, and the "bold" and "italics" buttons. I
don't know what the criteria should be. The "underline" button can be
added independently for each application. I think that such a GTK(!) 
widget would be very useful.

> Damon
> -- 
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