Reducing "flics" ?

Hi you!!

I need any idea about how to reduce "flics" in moving widgets. The scenario is
the following:

		+GtkFixed0	sized 320x200 pix
		|	+GtkFixed01	about 64x64 pix
		|	|	`GtkImage011
		|	`GtkFixed02	about 64x64 pix
		|		`GtkImage021

I will try to explain me:

I "connect" button presses on GtkFixed01 and GtkFixed02 to "catch" one,
and motion notify on GtkFixed0 to move (gtk_fixed_move()) one of GtkFixed01 or

All is OK but, when moving one image, other flics (alot), even if both don't

Does anybody any idea ?

I'm running the program in a fast machine, a Sparc Ultra 30 with Creator
Graphics, and I've tried many posiblities (widgets with or without shapes, using
pixmaps or images, etc...) with the same result ...


	- José Miguel

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