Re: [gtk-list] Re: Gtk--: Tracking down clobbered pointers and mysterious crashes

Emmanuel DELOGET <pixel@DotCom.FR> writes:

> ->1) Does anybody have any suggestions for some (software)
> ->tools which might aid in discovering these obsucre bugs?
> 	Well... gdb does it right, no ? [I'm so impatient
> 	to see your response to this stupid answer... :)]

Err, no, it doesn't. Sheesh, and to say that the EPITA is renowed as a 
school for the high-tech elite :-).

> 	Could you provide some example code of what you
> 	"typically" do ? Some common errors in such cases
> 	look like :

Another typical one, harder to track and easier to do :

class MyWidget

Gtk_VBox m_vbox;

  Gtk_Button myButton("a button");


myButton will be destroyed on exit of the ctor.


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