Re: [gtk-list] small circles are square ... :(

Sven LUTHER wrote:
> Hello,
> Why are small circles square ?
> try
> gdk_draw_arc drawable white true x y 5 5 0 (360*64)
> this draws :   while this is more round :
>   XXXXX                XXX
>   XXXXX               XXXXX
>   XXXXX               XXXXX
>   XXXXX               XXXXX
>   XXXXX                XXX
> But then this is a X problem, right ?
> but could we not supply our own circle drawing primitive in case the default
> one is not ok ? just for very small diameters ? i was forced to draw the second
> shape by hand for this with lots of gdk_draw_points :(
> Friendly,
> --
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It's a problem with XFillArc (a X11 primitive).

But there's a workaround (don't ask me why it works), create a drawing_area and
try this:

/* */
void widget_exposed(GtkWidget *wid, GdkEventExpose *ev) {
	int	w;

	for(w = 10; w > 2; w--) {
		/* Empty */
		gdk_draw_arc(wid->window, wid->style->white_gc,
				FALSE, 90-(8*w), 90-(8*w), w, w, 0, (long)(64*360));
		/* Filled */
		gdk_draw_arc(wid->window, wid->style->white_gc,
				FALSE, 90-(8*w), 110-(8*w), w, w, 0, (long)(64*360));
		gdk_draw_arc(wid->window, wid->style->white_gc,
				TRUE, 90-(8*w), 110-(8*w), w, w, 0, (long)(64*360));


		- José Miguel

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