Re: [gtk-list] RPC and redrawing a window (long)

   Add this to the end of your collect_data_msg () function:

while (gtk_events_pending ()) {
   gtk_main_iteration ();


Version: 3.1

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On Tue, 18 May 1999, K. M. Hawarden-Ogata wrote:

> Hello All,
> I hope someone can help me with this. Unfortunately it requires some
> knowledge of rpcs, I think
> (if you don't know what that is, you can probably forget the rest of this
> message =) ).
> I have a GUI application that is supposed to talk to another computer over a
> network, using rpcs. While the connection is being created, a message is
> supposed to be displayed in my drawing area that lets the user know that the
> program is attempting to set up a connection. This worked fine under Motif:
> if( (tval.tv_sec % Lc.interval) == 0)
> {
>     collecting_data_msg();        /*this is supposed to print the message.
> See code below.*/
>     /* get sample from temperature controller */
>     if( (rc=rpc_temper_get_values( Lc.hostname, 0, &sam )) != ERR_NONE )
>     {
>         XmtCliPrintf(  Cli_w, "rpc_temper_get_values(): ERROR %s",
> Error_string[abs(rc)]);
>         return;
>     }
>     /* record ems of communication */
>     Lc.rpc_ems = elapse_ms( &tval );
>     blah blah
> }
> void collecting_data_msg( void )
> {
>     Widget widget = Status_w;
>     Display *dpy  = XtDisplay( widget );
>     Window window = XtWindow( widget );
>     Dimension da_wid, da_hgt;
>     int x, y, l,
>     char_wid, char_hgt;
>     char *c;
>     char_wid = Nor_font_wid;
>     char_hgt = Nor_font_hgt;
>     XtVaGetValues( widget, XmNwidth,   &da_wid, XmNheight,  &da_hgt, NULL);
>     c = " Collecting Data, Please Wait ";
>     l = strlen( c );
>     y = da_hgt - (2*char_hgt);
>     x = (da_wid - (l*char_wid))/2;
>     XSetForeground( dpy, Nor_gc, CM_color[CM_YELLOW]);
>     XSetBackground( dpy, Nor_gc, CM_color[CM_RED]);
>     XDrawImageString( dpy, window, Nor_gc, x, y, c, l);
>     XSetBackground( dpy, Nor_gc, CM_color[CM_BLACK]);
>     XFlush(dpy);
> }
> Okay, so when I rewrote these functions under GTK, my collecting_data_msg
> looks like this:
> void collecting_data_msg( )
> {
>     int x, y, l,
>    char_wid, char_hgt,
>    da_wid, da_hgt;
>    char *c;
>    gdk_window_get_size( Status_w->window, &da_wid, &da_hgt);
>    char_wid = Fixed_font_wid;
>    char_hgt = Fixed_font_hgt;
>    c = " Collecting Data, Please Wait ";
>    l = strlen( c );
>    y = da_hgt - (2*char_hgt);
>    x = (da_wid - (l*char_wid))/2;
>    gdk_gc_set_foreground( Nor_gc, &CM.colors[CM_RED] );
>    gdk_draw_rectangle( Status_w->window, Nor_gc, TRUE, x, y-(char_hgt-3),
> l*char_wid, char_hgt );
>    gdk_gc_set_foreground( Nor_gc, &CM.colors[CM_YELLOW] );
>    gdk_draw_text( Status_w->window, Fixed_font, Nor_gc, x, y, c, l );
>    printf( "collecting_data_msg: %s\n", c );
> }
> the function call is:
>  if( (tval.tv_sec % Lc.interval) == 0)
>  {
>     Lc.collect = 1;
>     collecting_data_msg( );
>     printf( "TIMER_FUNCTION: if( (tval.tv_sec mod Lc.interval) == 0)\n" );
>     /* get sample from temperature controller */
>     if( (rc=rpc_temper_get_values( Lc.hostname, 0, &sam )) != ERR_NONE )
>     {
>         printTextOut( "rpc_temper_get_values():\n ERROR %s",
> Error_string[abs(rc)] );
>         return 0;
>     }
>     /* record ems of communication */
>     Lc.rpc_ems = elapse_ms( &tval );
>     blah blah
> }
> The strange part is that the printf statement in the collecting_data_msg
> function is printed, but the string is not printed on the drawing area
> widget until the rpc stuff times out. I'm afraid I don't know a lot about
> RPCs, but as far as I can tell, the actually rpc calls are working fine.
> Thank you so much if you can help,
> Miranda
> /------------------------------------------------------------------------\
> | Miranda Hawarden-Ogata             Email: |
> | NASA IRTF, Institute of Astronomy  Phone: (808) 974-4206               |
> | 1175 Manono St., Bldg 393            Fax: (808) 974-4207               |
> | Hilo, HI 96720                                                         |
> \------------------------------------------------------------------------/
> -- 
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