Re: [gtk-list] GLIB/GTree memory deallocation

> I have a problem with (especially) GTrees, as with the rest of GLIB, I
> need to have large B trees  with small nodes. Problem is that after
> correct deallocation of the tree (I hope) the memory useed by tree itself
> is not given back to os. Also the g_mallocated memory is not given back to
> os after g_freeing. Is there some way to change the allocation routine
> within glib itself? I've heard about some zone allocation techniques -
> that should glib do internally, but why are trees then created like thios?

There was a discussion a while back which probably pertains to this
question. Someone asked about trusting Glib's memory management
when it seemed that it contained huge memory leaks. The eventual
answer was that Glib has it's own memory management & caching
code which probably explain your issue ... You might want to check
the mailing list archives for this thread ...

--> R

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