GdkEventMotion modifying pixmaps

Two questions this time

First, the funtion button_press_event gets passed in two values, widget
and GdkEventMotion *event. However the signal_connect passes in NULL, so
where do the valuse in event come from? is event some kind of global
variable? and if so, why does it need to be passed to the function?

I ask because when the button is pressed in that window, I also want to
draw something in another widow, so I have to pass that widget in. If
event is global, which seems unlikely, I could just replace it with
GtkWidget. However if it isn't, I need to create a struct to package both
the event and the widget in that I can pass. However how do I figure out
how to get the proper values into event since it is not immedialty
apparent where these values come from?

The second question is about the image I want to draw in the other window.
It's supposed to be a closeup of the area clicked on in the first window.
Is there some way to copy a part of a pixmap to another, but blow it up in
the process?

The closest thing I've found so far is gdk_region_shrink, and that's going
in the wrong direction, and I'm not quite entirely sure what a GdkRegion 
is or how it would be related to a pixmap.


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