Thanks! (or, Solved Re: A question about box packing and , widget/window sizing..)

On 3 May 1999, Owen Taylor wrote:
>As an alternate suggestion, try putting your drawing area
>inside a GtkAspectFrame. That was my very first GTK+
>widget, and designed for almost exactly this purpose.
>It won't constrain the size of the toplevel window, but
>the drawing area will be a square inside of whatever
>area it gets in the end.

I'm using this now, and though the toplevel window doesn't automatically
shrink, I'm satisfied with the results.

Thanks to all who helped!  (Mostly Owen.. :)

 ____    Kressin   ____   .-----------------------------------. 
/___ \____________/ __ \  |                  |
    \  \    /      /  \ | | Lead Programmer/Analyst           |
 ___/ __\/\/rench_ \__/ | | University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh |
\____/            \____/  |      |

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