Re: [gtk-list] Re: itemfactory radiomenuitems?

Robert_Gasch/ wrote:

> Thank you for pointing me at that ... I will check it out
> and see if I can figure out what I'm doing wrong ... since
> I'm don't seem to be the only one wrestling with this stuff,
> I'm attaching a code sample of what I'm doing ... maybe
> someone will notice some obvious mistakes (given
> enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow :-) ) ...
> #define MENU_VIEW_BRANCH "/View"
> #define MENU_VIEW_2DPLANE     "/View/2D Plane"
> #define MENU_VIEW_2DPLANE_AC  "<control>1"
> #define MENU_VIEW_3DWIRE      "/View/3D Wire"
> #define MENU_VIEW_3DWIRE_AC   "<control>2"
> #define MENU_VIEW_3DHEIGHT    "/View/3D Height"
> #define MENU_VIEW_3DHEIGHT_AC "<control>3"
> #define MENU_VIEW_3DLIGHT     "/View/3D Light"
> #define MENU_VIEW_3DLIGHT_AC  "<control>4"
> char                     *s;
> Glib_Hash           *d_menuHash;   // menu item pointers, path is key
> s = d_mNames[d_nameCount++] = strdup (MENU_VIEW_BRANCH);
> d_menuHash->insert (s, d_itemFactory->create_item (s, 0, "<Branch>", 0));
> s = d_mNames[d_nameCount++] = strdup (MENU_VIEW_2DPLANE);
> d_menuHash->insert (s, d_itemFactory->create_item
>      (s, MENU_VIEW_2DPLANE_AC, "<RadioItem>",
>      ItemFactoryConnector<TFWindow, string>(this,&viewMenuCallback, s)));
> s = d_mNames[d_nameCount++] = strdup (MENU_VIEW_3DWIRE);
> d_menuHash->insert (s, d_itemFactory->create_item
>      ItemFactoryConnector<TFWindow, string>(this,&viewMenuCallback, s)));
> s = d_mNames[d_nameCount++] = strdup (MENU_VIEW_3DHEIGHT);
> d_menuHash->insert (s, d_itemFactory->create_item
>      ItemFactoryConnector<TFWindow, string>(this,&viewMenuCallback, s)));
> s = d_mNames[d_nameCount++] = strdup (MENU_VIEW_3DLIGHT);
> d_menuHash->insert (s, d_itemFactory->create_item
>      ItemFactoryConnector<TFWindow, string>(this,&viewMenuCallback, s)));
> This works except the problem I alluded to before.

I think you are doing a double work here, just use
itemfactory->get_radiomenuitem_widget(path) instead, and that should work as the
above.  Here is how I do it:

 view_opt_ifac->create_item("/Shading", 0, "<LastBranch>", 0);
 view_opt_ifac->create_item("/Shading/Flat", 0, "<RadioItem>",
        ItemFactoryConnector<ViewPort, string>
         &change_shade_mode_callback, "SHADE_FLAT"));
 view_opt_ifac->create_item("/Shading/Smooth", 0, "<RadioItem>",
        ItemFactoryConnector<ViewPort, string>
         &change_shade_mode_callback, "SHADE_SMOOTH"));

  Gtk_ObjectHandle<Gtk_RadioMenuItem> flat_item =
  Gtk_ObjectHandle<Gtk_RadioMenuItem> smooth_item =


> If I can figure out what I'm
> doing
> wrong, I'll get back to this list ...
> --> R
>  Funny this came up now, I am just starting to change over my manually
> created menus to the itemfactory this morning and I have a group of
> radio_menuitems in it. I have been playing with an example from Eric
> Harlow's book that I had to
> add the paths to for them to work properly but it seems to work all
> right for me. It's not gtk-- but it should be similar enough. Maybe a
> bug in gtk-- ?

I just downloaded that chapter and compiled the examples The itemfactory example
suffers from similar problems.  So, I don't think that that is a bug in Gtk--, but
it is either a bug in gtk+ itself, or we are doing something wrong...

> HTH,
> --
>           Stephen


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