Re: [gtk-list] Re: Getting the mask out of a pixmap

> Both the Gdk and Imlib functions for creating pixmaps from XPM data will
> create the mask for you. Imlib will also create the mask when loading a
> PNG with alpha transparency. Imlib is much faster with XPM's by the way if
> that matters for your app.

Yes, i did this for XPM's, which was how I figured out how to use
gdk_gc_set_clip_mask.  However, the pixmaps I am currently using are
GdkPixmaps that I am allocating myself and drawing on myself.  There is no way
to set the mask?  I have also tried simply drawing to the bitmask at the same
time that I draw to the pixmap, however I get the same error message.  Am I
missing a basic facet of drawing to GdkBitmaps, or is this impossible?


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