GDK_Color use


I'm now trying to understand drawing on a widget's (gdk-)window.
I understand the concept of GC, but fail to understand the way 
colors are used in Gdk.
So what is a colormap ? is it akin to palette ? If you want some
colors to be used, do you
 .create a Gdk_colormap
 . and then for each color
    - create a GDK_color from the RGB component
    - and alloc it to the colormap

or do you just create a color from the RGB component and use it in
the GC ?

Is there somewhere where the color and colormap are explained ? The
GDK document present on leave this point alone.

Thanks in advance

Guilaume PATRY
Patry Guillaume                       LISI /ENSMA
Doctoral Student                      Site du Futuroscope, BP 109
tel:                  Futuroscope Cedex 9 France

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