Unable to create perl Gtk-0.5000

sorry if it's a trivial problem I'm reporting, but I'm a newbie regarding perl
and Gtk ...

After Downloading Gtk-0.5000 and extracting it I've run
1. perl Makefile.PL which produced the following output:
   gnome-config not found!
   If you did not enable any gnome options, you can ignore the above message
   Located Gtk version 1.2.0...
   Invoking gendefs.pl with [].
   Please wait, this may take a moment...
   Checking if your kit is complete...
   Looks good
   Writing Makefile for Gtk

2. After running make test I've got the following output
   ~/tmp/Gtk-0.5000> make test
   mkdir blib
   mkdir blib/lib
   mkdir blib/arch
   mkdir blib/arch/auto
   mkdir blib/arch/auto/Gtk
   mkdir blib/lib/auto
   mkdir blib/lib/auto/Gtk
   mkdir blib/man3
   cp Gtk/LogHandler.pm blib/lib/Gtk/LogHandler.pm
   cp Gtk/GtkColorSelectButton.pm blib/lib/Gtk/ColorSelectButton.pm
    cp Gtk/Atoms.pm blib/lib/Gtk/Atoms.pm
   cp build/GtkTypes.pm blib/arch/Gtk/Types.pm
   cp Gtk/Gdk.pm blib/lib/Gtk/Gdk.pm
   AutoSplitting blib/lib/Gtk/Gdk.pm (blib/lib/auto/Gtk/Gdk)
   cp Gtk/Gtk.pm blib/lib/Gtk.pm
   AutoSplitting blib/lib/Gtk.pm (blib/lib/auto/Gtk)
   /usr/bin/perl tools/genext.pl Gtk
   cc -c -I/usr/X11R6/include -I/usr/local/lib/glib/include
   -I/usr/local/include  -I./Gtk -I./build -Dbool=char -DHAS_BOOL
   -I/usr/local/include -O2    -DVERSION=\"0.5000\" -DXS_VERSION=\"0.5000\"
   -fPIC -I/usr/lib/perl5/5.00502/i686-linux/CORE 
   -DGTK_HVER=0x010200 build/GtkDefs.c
   cc -c -I/usr/X11R6/include -I/usr/local/lib/glib/include
   -I/usr/local/include  -I./Gtk -I./build -Dbool=char -DHAS_BOOL
   -I/usr/local/include -O2    -DVERSION=\"0.5000\" -DXS_VERSION=\"0.5000\"
   -fPIC -I/usr/lib/perl5/5.00502/i686-linux/CORE -DGTK_HVER=0x010200
   /usr/bin/perl -I/usr/lib/perl5/5.00502/i686-linux -I/usr/lib/perl5/5.00502
   /usr/lib/perl5/5.00502/ExtUtils/xsubpp -noprototypes -noversioncheck -typemap
   /usr/lib/perl5/5.00502/ExtUtils/typemap -typemap
   /home/michael/tmp/Gtk-0.5000/build/GtkTypemap Gtk/xs/Gtk.xs >Gtk/xs/Gtk.tc &&
   mv Gtk/xs/Gtk.tc Gtk/xs/Gtk.c
   Error: 'Gtk::Widget' not in typemap in Gtk.xs, line 656
   Error: 'Gtk::Widget' not in typemap in Gtk.xs, line 663
   Error: 'Gtk::Widget' not in typemap in Gtk.xs, line 673
   Error: 'Gtk::Gdk::Event' not in typemap in Gtk.xs, line 895
   Error: 'Gtk::Gdk::Event' not in typemap in Gtk.xs, line 900
   Error: 'Gtk::Widget_Up' not in typemap in Gtk.xs, line 906
   Error: 'Gtk::MenuFactoryType' not in typemap in Gtk.xs, line 913
   Error: 'Gtk::MenuFactory' not in typemap in Gtk.xs, line 917
   Error: 'Gtk::MenuFactory' not in typemap in Gtk.xs, line 921
   Error: 'Gtk::MenuFactory' not in typemap in Gtk.xs, line 936
   Error: 'Gtk::MenuFactory' not in typemap in Gtk.xs, line 937
   Error: 'Gtk::MenuFactory' not in typemap in Gtk.xs, line 942
   Error: 'Gtk::MenuFactory' not in typemap in Gtk.xs, line 956
   Error: 'Gtk::MenuFactory' not in typemap in Gtk.xs, line 971
                      and so on

I'm running:
   Linux 2.0.36 
   Perl 5.005_02
   glib 1.2
   gtk+ 1.2

Can you tell me where the error is and how I can install your module?

Thanks in advance


Dipl. Ing. Michael Tomuschat

Ingenieurbüro Tomuschat                     Tel.  : 07071-943866
Neckarhalde 32                              Fax   : 07071-943867
72070 Tübingen                              E-mail: michael@knoto.tuebingen.com

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