clist do not show titles after remove/add

I'm create clist with titles, add (gtk-container-add) this clist to hbox.

After this I'm remove (gtk-container-remove) clist from hbox and after
this add (gtk-container-add) clist again.

After the second adding clist to the hbox the titles do not showed. 

Is this a gtk bug or I'm wrong ?
----------------------------- My example --------------------------------
(use-modules (gtk gtk))

(define titles #("name" "uid" "gid" "passwd" "gecos" "home" "shell"))

(define window (gtk-window-new 'toplevel))
(define scrolled-window (gtk-scrolled-window-new))
(define clist (gtk-clist-new-with-titles titles))
(define hbox (gtk-hbox-new #t 10))
(gtk-container-add window hbox)
(gtk-container-add hbox scrolled-window)

(define button1 (gtk-button-new-with-label "Remove List"))
(define button2 (gtk-button-new-with-label "Add List"))
(gtk-container-add hbox button1)
(gtk-container-add hbox button2)

(gtk-container-add scrolled-window clist)

(gtk-signal-connect button1
		    (lambda ()
		      (gtk-container-remove scrolled-window clist)))

(gtk-signal-connect button2
		    (lambda ()
		      (gtk-container-add scrolled-window clist)))

(gtk-clist-append clist (vector "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7"))

(gtk-widget-show-all window)

(gtk-standalone-main window)


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