Re: [gtk-list] Re: g_scanner funtions what for?

On Wed, 17 Mar 1999, Tim Janik wrote:

> andreas, look at this more closely, lets s/scanner->token/foo/,
>  if (foo != 1 || foo != 2)
>    ...
> literally:
>   IF foo is not equal to 1 OR foo is not equal to 2
> so to get beyond this condition, you require scanner->token to be
> ==G_TOKEN_FLOAT *and* ==G_TOKEN_STRING at the same time, obviously impossible.
> so if at all, you want
>   if (scanner->token != G_TOKEN_FLOAT && scanner->token != G_TOKEN_STRING)
... stupid mistake of mine
> but i doubt that this is your problem, see below.
in dead.

> > If I set "Datum: J02161999\n" (the '-' int the former string caused trouble)
> > or
> > 
> > test text:1: error: scanner: digit is beyond radix
> > 
> > if I leave "Datum: 02161999\n" ... a string of spaces only.  I expect
> > that I have to configure the scanner to read strings (like a date or
> > a name), but I can't find any way how to do that.
> you need to understand that the scanner will parse it's input and
> tokenize it, it is up to you to interpret these tokens, not define
> their types before they get parsed, e.g. watch gscanner parse a string:
[... detailed and very helpful explanation snipped ...]
It seems me that I quite understand the working and so I tried to
modify your ping-pong example step by step.  I failed when deleting
the ';' as line delimiter.  Would you please have a look at the
example what is wrong in my interpretation?

Kind regards

#include <glib.h>

/* some test text to be fed into the scanner */
static const gchar *test_text =
( "ping: 5\n"
  "/* slide in some \n"
  " * comments, just for the\n"
  " * fun of it \n"
  " */\n"
  "pong: -6 \n"
  "# the next value is a float\n"
  "zonk: 0.7\n"
  "# redefine ping\n"
  "ping: - 0.5\n" );

/* define enumeration values to be returned for specific symbols */
enum {

/* symbol array */
static const struct {
  gchar *symbol_name;
  guint  symbol_token;
} symbols[] = {
  { "ping", SYMBOL_PING, },
  { "pong", SYMBOL_PONG, },
  { "zonk", SYMBOL_ZONK, },
  { NULL, 0, },
}, *symbol_p = symbols;

static gfloat ping = 0;
static gfloat pong = 0;
static gfloat zonk = 0;

static guint
parse_symbol (GScanner *scanner)
  guint symbol;
  gboolean negate = FALSE;

  /* expect a valid symbol */
  g_scanner_get_next_token (scanner);
  symbol = scanner->token;
  if (symbol < SYMBOL_PING ||
      symbol > SYMBOL_ZONK)
    return G_TOKEN_SYMBOL;

  /* expect ':' */
  g_scanner_get_next_token (scanner);
  if (scanner->token != ':')
    return ':';

  /* feature optional '-' */
  g_scanner_peek_next_token (scanner);
  if (scanner->next_token == '-')
      g_scanner_get_next_token (scanner);
      negate = !negate;

  /* expect a float (ints are converted to floats on the fly) */
  g_scanner_get_next_token (scanner);
  if (scanner->token != G_TOKEN_FLOAT)
    return G_TOKEN_FLOAT;

  /* make sure the next token is a ';' */
  if (g_scanner_peek_next_token (scanner) != ';')
      /* not so, eat up the non-semicolon and error out */
      g_scanner_get_next_token (scanner);
      return ';';

  /* assign value, eat the semicolon and exit successfully */
  switch (symbol)
    case SYMBOL_PING:
      ping = negate ? - scanner->value.v_float : scanner->value.v_float;
    case SYMBOL_PONG:
      pong = negate ? - scanner->value.v_float : scanner->value.v_float;
    case SYMBOL_ZONK:
      zonk = negate ? - scanner->value.v_float : scanner->value.v_float;
  g_scanner_get_next_token (scanner);

  return G_TOKEN_NONE;

main (int argc, char *argv[])
  GScanner *scanner;
  guint expected_token;

  scanner = g_scanner_new (NULL);

  /* adjust lexing behaviour to suit our needs
  /* convert non-floats (octal values, hex values...) to G_TOKEN_INT */
  scanner->config->numbers_2_int = TRUE;
  /* convert G_TOKEN_INT to G_TOKEN_FLOAT */
  scanner->config->int_2_float = TRUE;
  /* don't return G_TOKEN_SYMBOL, but the symbol's value */
  scanner->config->symbol_2_token = TRUE;

  /* load symbols into the scanner */
  while (symbol_p->symbol_name)
      g_scanner_add_symbol (scanner,
			    GINT_TO_POINTER (symbol_p->symbol_token));

  /* feed in the text */
  g_scanner_input_text (scanner, test_text, strlen (test_text));

  /* give the error handler an idea on how the input is named */
  scanner->input_name = "test text";

  /* scanning loop, we parse the input untill it's end is reached,
   * the scanner encountered a lexing error, or our sub routine came
   * across invalid syntax
      expected_token = parse_symbol (scanner);
      g_scanner_peek_next_token (scanner);
  while (expected_token == G_TOKEN_NONE &&
	 scanner->next_token != G_TOKEN_EOF &&
	 scanner->next_token != G_TOKEN_ERROR);

  /* give an error message upon syntax errors */
  if (expected_token != G_TOKEN_NONE)
    g_scanner_unexp_token (scanner, expected_token, NULL, "symbol", NULL, NULL, TRUE);

  /* finsish parsing */
  g_scanner_destroy (scanner);

  /* print results */
  g_print ("ping: %f\n", ping);
  g_print ("pong: %f\n", pong);
  g_print ("zonk: %f\n", zonk);
  return 0;

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