only getting every other keystroke in a text widget

I need to have a terminal emulator as part of another program (the
program is a code downloader for the Motorola HC11; if you've got a
program on the HC11 that does serial IO then you can open up a window
from the downloader to interact with it).  So, I'm getting
key_press_events and passing the data the user types down the serial
port, and then displaying data that comes back up the line.

I only seem to be getting every other keypress event - this appears to
be deterministic:  the first character I type gets the keystroke; the
second does not; and so forth.

This worked as of gtk+ 1.1.2, but is not working with 1.2.0 (and Gtk--
0.99.1).  I tried setting the text area non-editable, which made no

Any thoughts?
Joseph J. Pfeiffer, Jr., Ph.D.       Phone -- (505) 646-1605
Department of Computer Science       FAX   -- (505) 646-1002
New Mexico State University

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