Re: How to use a gpointer?

On Fri, Mar 05, 1999 at 06:09:29AM +0100, Ulric Eriksson wrote:
> Frankly, I don't see any point in "typedef int gint" if the intention is
> to create a general-purpose integer type with exactly the same properties
> as the already existing general-purpose integer type. The same goes for
> "typedef long glong" et al. The definitions in glibconfig.h make a little
> more sense.

Well, if someone someday find a system wher ints are 64bit and void * are
32 bit ther is a posability to make gint = gint32 for these systems...

To my understanding glib - gtk - gnome is used cross-plattform and working.
The first hacker around to try a nonworking platform must fix this som way,
until then no-one probably want to put in hypotetical testes. That may be
wrong in theory but is good in practis (as hypotetical testes newer get
tested and therfor easely be buggy).

Can't it just be with this (before we got a flamewar ;-)?


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