Re: [gtk-list] Re: Largest pixmap?

Emmanuel DELOGET wrote:

>     Perhaps this should be window->window, since gdk_create_pixmap_xxx
>     wants a GdkWindow (not a GtkWindow, a GdkWindow :)

Good point.  I'll try that.

>     Perhaps by including the xpm file as a classic header and use
>     gtk_pixmap_create_from_xpm_d().

I don't understand what you mean byt "including the xpm file as a classic

> ->      - can an image be displayed w/i a box?
>     I believe it is possible, but I may be wrong (by "box", you
>     think an [hv]box, true ?. If you do so, the response is certainly
>     yes - remember the examples/button program, which stores an xpm and
>     a label in a box and then in a button).

Ok ... I wasn't successful at this.  I also recall the examples/button program
using (I think) a GtkWindow widget (re: above).

David Topper
Technical Director - Virginia Center for Computer Music
Programmer Analyst - School of Arts and Sciences
(804) 924-6887

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