Re: [gtk-list] Re: Accelerators and labels

> gtk_accel_group_attach() is an internal function, use
>  gtk_window_add_accel_group() instead.

Cool, thanks.

> > 	...
> > 
> >  	gtk_widget_add_accelerator (button_send,
> >                                   "clicked",
> >                                   accelerators,
> >                                   0x13,
> >                                   0,
> >                                   GTK_ACCEL_VISIBLE);
> > 
> > Is this possible?  Am I on the right track?
> what kind of keysym should 0x13 be? Gdk provides symbolic names for
> all meaningfull key settings, you better make use of those ;)
> e.g. control S would be (..., GDK_S, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, ..)
> also, you might want to use GTK_ACCEL_LOCKED instead of GTK_ACCEL_VISIBLE,
> since you don't have a widget to display the accelerator (GtkAccelLabel
> inside the button could do this for instance) and you probably don't
> want users to use this specific accelerator within menus (since they
> have no possibility to change the accelerator on the button).

The generic accelerator works like a charm now.  Thanks.  I wanted to get my
hands into GTK and doing hacking by hand before I got glade.  I wanted to
understand what exactly glade is doing.  Incidentally I got Glade last night
and built a complete form in less time than it took for me to read the GTK
tutorial:)  FWIW, I'm writing a mail client -- I know there are a zillion out
there, but I want something that is a graphical evolution of ELM and I'm working
towards that.  One feature that's going to be different is message listing.  The
messages are listed in mailbox order, but when you click on a message it shows the
thread hierarchy in a scrolled window pane.  That way you can trace up the stack
of replies to see where a particular comment was added.  It has a mailbox list along
the entire left side:

|   |   |       |
|   +---+-------+
|   |           |
|   |           |
|   |           |
|   |           |

That's what it looks like.

I was/am coding the compose window by hand, to get into the guts of GTK, I'm using
Glade (thank you Glade dude!) for the rest.  It's not going to be the kitchen sink,
just a compatible ELM (same accelerators and vi for the message edit).  It'll have
procmail compatible mailbox sorting (probably write procmail recipes for you and
manage the mailboxes), ELM style message listing (status) all the ELM features I've
come to know and respect over the last 4 years.

> > 
> > --Perry
> > 
> ---
> ciaoTJ


Perry Harrington       Linux rules all OSes.    APSoft      ()
email: 			Think Blue. /\

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