Accelerators and labels

I have been doing some GTK hacking lately. I will admit to being a
relative newbie, but I have exhausted Altavista and on these

Anyhow, here goes:

I want to have an accelerator attached to a button, so when the accelerator
key is pressed (Control S, for example) the button's "clicked" method will

Here is the snippet I've got:

	accelerators = gtk_accel_group_new();

        gtk_accel_group_attach(accelerators, GTK_OBJECT(window));


 	gtk_widget_add_accelerator (button_send,

Is this possible?  Am I on the right track?

The other question was about layout with a table.

I have a number of labels in a table and I want to right justify them, to
label text entries in the cells to the right.  I have tried GTK_JUSTIFY_RIGHT 
and vboxes and GTK_FILL, etc, but they always end up centered.  Anyone got a 
suggestion on how to right align them?

Please reply by to my box, I just sent the sub request out and I may noy be in
the sub list yet.



Perry Harrington       Linux rules all OSes.    APSoft      ()
email: 			Think Blue. /\

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