Re: [gtk-list] problem with threads and toggle button

Ionutz Borcoman wrote:
> My program have some toggle buttons that can set other buttons depending
> on which button is toggled. Some of them can be also disabled. Checking
> the run button, a thread is started and soem of the buttons are
> disabled, including the run button. The pause button is enabled.
> When I click the pause, I can suspend the thread. When the thread stops,
> depending of several conditions, it can disable the pause.
> Now the problem:
> When the threaded function ends, I enter the main gtk loop to set some
> of the buttons. i use:
>   gdk_threads_enter();
>   ....
>   gdk_threads_leave();
> This work almost always, unless I hapen to do this: keep mouse button
> press down in the pause button when the threads ends and the thread
> tries to disabled it. If I comment the line (from the threaded function)


after further investigation it looks like the problem is that the mouse
is grabbed by the toggle button when I click, but never released as the
toggled button is disabled and fails to receive the release event. Is
this a bug in the toggle ? Can this be corrected somehow by my program ?

What makes me believe this is that the window is redrawn when I resize
it and close event is handled normaly. I even get the cross mouse when I
move the mouse over the active part of the separator of the panned. But
nothing else (like prelight, click, ....).

Any help would be much appreciated.


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