RE: [gtk-list] Re: XInitThreads causing problems to GTK windows.

> > So, every time
> > the worker thread wants to GUI to be updated somehow, it might post a
> > message into the main thread's message queue (does each thread have a
> > separate message queue, like in Win32? I don't think so..).
> There aren't message queue, unless you program them. They would have to be
> prepared to take all actions, that a worker thread might issue. If those
> actions are only a few (update a progress bar and such) it is
> quite easy, but
> if the worker thread wants yo use much of the gtk-API it is
> easier the other
> way.

     Yes Olaf - that's exactly right. If the second thread makes it's own
connection to the X server then it will have it's own event queue - in fact
pretty much everything will be seperate with the possible exception of
error-handlers; this could easily be overridden as I think if GDK gets an
error it just says so and bombs out.

Cheers for now,

Chris Wilson.
Magdalene College, Cambridge.

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