Re: XInitThreads causing problems to GTK windows.

Hi, Peter

> PS.: It is however possible, that the use of XThreadsInit() exposes a bug in
> GTK+, so I'll have a look at your prog anyway.

I have looked at your prog. It looks like the problem is in X, but who knows.
Just don't use XInitThreads(), as it will slow down things additionally and
gtk already takes care of that. But you have to call g_thread_init() before
the call to gtk_init(). And then you have to call gdk_thread_enter() before
any call to gtk/gdk-function and gdk_thread_leave() afterwards; not within
signals, as they already hold the lock but also before gtk_main() and friends.
You can af course put more than one gtk functions inside such a block.

Sebastian Wilhelmi                   |            här ovanför alla molnen           |      är himmlen så förunerligt blå   |

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